Originally set up as a blog for writing on old television, Blammo now covers media in general. TV, films, music, books, video games, whatever. Your guide is Michelle Lyons.
Frequently Asked Questions
Where do babies come from?
An opening near a lady’s tummy. A massive gangly bird will be flying near a hospital and proclaim, “Woah, big one incoming!”, and divebomb into the nearest maternity ward. The bird will then help the nurses and doctors and “midnight people” to get the baby out of its prison sac. The doctor then rings a bell, and declares the baby’s life to have begun.
Should I be worried about the economy?
Yes. Yes, you should.
What is the best album of all time?
The debut 1993 cassette by the Japanese experimental trio スーパーボール, or “Super Ball” in English. It is technically an EP rather than an album, but is better than many albums available on the market. It has been consistently rated higher in performance and miles to the gallon than anything by Muse, for example. No further correspondence on this matter will be considered.
Why did ICI Industries PLC LTD have scarecrows or something outside their abandoned plants full of ghosts?
This is a terrible slander against the former heads of ICI, who were as frightened by scarecrows, the Hexen Heads and overhead electrical cables as any 1970s Slade-addled youth could be. They also did very well business-wise until they were consumed by one Michel Lotito. The late Mr Lotito was the Guinness Book Of Records holder for eating all sorts of mad shit. Robert Pershing Wadlow has been contacted for comment.
Slapping the apples from
the pure wasp of “info”.